Friday 16 May 2014

Title: Living Beyond Your Limitation.

A man and his son went for a morning walk one day and while they were walking suddenly, the man stopped and looked at his son Mark, he asked do u want to be successful? And Mark answered and said, yes Dad. Then they continued walking, after some distance covered again he asked, Mark!!! (Now he was more serious and looked him eye ball to eye ball), do u really want to be successful? Considering the fact that you have no college degree; you are a single parent and presently jobless, do you really think you want to be successful? Now the young man went silence.
This is the attitude we all display, when confronted with all of d challenges of life. When people remind us of our past/limitations, we tend to believe we cannot be great. We become slave to our fears. The truth is, “there are no limits to what a man can accomplish except, the limits he placed on his own Imaginations” (Brian Tracy quote). You know what? I see greatness within U. Lots of people like to be successful but do not desire to be successful. Other peoples’ opinion of you does not have to become your reality. Lots of people live their lives based on other peoples’ opinions of them, who they say they are. If you want to be successful and live beyond your limits, here are what you must do; 

First, you must find your area of Interest (talent, skills, Idea etc.) and develop it. Read about people who are successful in your chosen field, what they did and how did they do it? Follow same path. Develop yourself “if you want to achieve what you have never achieved before, you have to become someone you have never been before”. “Hunt” was asked the secret of success and he said 2 things are the keys to success; 1. You have to identify and be sure of what you want to do, write them down. 2. Identify the price you have to pay, to achieve your goal and start paying. 

To be successful in life secondly, you have to be responsible. Take Responsibility for your Life. Stop blaming people for your situation and starts taking responsibility. If you have a problem, identify the source of your problem and find a solution to it and move on. If it is low pay (salary) identify why you earn so low whereby, you need to learn or upgrade your skill do it. Take charge of your life. You are the President, CEO of your life. 

Thirdly, Think Big “If you must think, think big” (Donald J. Trump quote) have a big picture of yourself, see yourself as living that life you desire and the more you do that, the more your perception to live changes and you begin to attracts only those things you require to get to that level in  life. The bible says “As a man Thinketh so is he”. 

Fourthly, Set Goal(s).  Set goal(s) of what you want to achieve in short term as well as long term. How do you set goal? Get a piece of paper and write things you want to accomplish, list as many as you wants and after that, critically look at each of what you have written and thick one that is most important of all, that when you achieve it you will feel more successful and circle it. Then on the flip side of the paper, begin to write all you need to do to accomplish your goal. After, every morning, pick up the paper and read your goal and the things you need to do and begin to do them daily, at the end of each week review what you have do and see have far you have gone. 

Fifthly, Have Courage develops your courage, that you can achieve whatever, you desire to achieve. It does not matter what come your way, be determined to continue the journey to your success. 

Sixthly, Never be afraid of failure. Guess how many times people try before they give up? Just once. Lots of people never tried before they give up. They like to succeed but when they considered the cost of getting there, they cannot just continue as such, they give up. The difference between a successful man and Unsuccessful man is; a successful when he fail due to a decision he makes, he study the situation and learn why he failed and keep the lesson for future purpose. While the unsuccessful man dwell on his pasts, the mistake he made and spend time worrying on mistake, he can never correct and failed to move on.

Finally, we live in a world of possibilities; if you can see it, you can achieve it……remember if you don’t live your dream, someone else will live it for you…..
Author: Adeyemo Abiodun.


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